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Anaheim II
Angel Stadium - Anaheim, CA
Round 3 Of 18 January 17, 2015
LAP CHART - 250SX Heat 2
Indicates Lapped Rider
# RIDER 1 2 3 4 5 6
#16 Z. Osborne 1 40 40 40 40 40 40
#32 J. Hill 2 16 16 16 911 911 911
#40 S. McElrath 3 32 32 911 16 32 32
#57 J. Richardson 4 911 911 32 32 157 448
#61 M. Leib 5 65 65 65 157 16 157
#65 S. Champion 6 727 157 157 452 130 16
#130 T. Hahn 7 130 130 130 65 65 130
#143 M. Horban 8 217 727 217 130 452 65
#148 T. Reis 9 157 217 143 217 217 465
#157 A. Plessinger 10 143 143 291 143 57 217
#217 R. Breece 11 291 291 57 57 143 57
#252 K. Weisbruch 12 252 711 727 727 727 452
#291 K. White 13 711 252 711 291 711 143
#448 B. Shoemaker 14 448 57 252 711 291 727
#452 L. Macler 15 57 448 465 252 252 711
#465 M. Braden 16 465 465 981 981 981 291
#711 M. Vandemortel 17 981 981 465 252
#727 R. Urseth 18 452 452 981